Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The X-Men Origins: Wolverine Trailer

I never was a comic book fan myself but a couple of friends from work said that I should see a bunch of movies (transformers, ghost rider, x-men, etc.) that were originally comic books and now I'm hooked. I can hardly wait for this movie to come out!


  1. I am an x men junkie. Okay maybe not junkie, but I think the movies are great.

  2. Oh. My. GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!

    I adore Hugh Jackman. I loved all three of the X Men movies. Wolverine is my favorite of the X Men movie characters. (Um, obviously!)

    I hadn't seen this trailer yet- THANK YOU!!! I may've just watched it three times. *whistling*

    Can't wait until 5/1 - WOO-HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

  3. My hubby is really looking forward to this movie. He's a huge fan of all the X-Men movies.

    Whilst I'm not normally of comic book adaptations, I have really (and possibly because I am a HUGE vampire fan!) loved the Underworld movies. I love the feel, look and music. And of course, the vampires!

  4. x-men fiend lol oh yes .. i am so there!


Talk to me goose....